I have started surfing the net may be a few years back, and noticed there are not much information present regarding, gardening in our climate. People like us, who loves gardening and live in Indian sub-continent, cannot retrieved information on gardening, from internet. Our climate totally varied from some countries, for whom, the most of the gardening sites geared to. Like, in United States of America or United Kingdom, where summer is the best time for annuals, and that is just opposite to ours. In India, we get our annuals, mostly in winter. The sunlight and water requirements of plants are also varied deeply from them as being a hotter and humid place compared to others.
Also, as we belong from a poor country, in comparison to the countries I have mentioned above, we need resources, which are cheaper. It is easier for us to create a lush green landscape as there is almost no danger of frost here.
So, it is important for us to know, which plants suits us best. There are some annuals which are almost impossible to grow here, without some artificial aid, like greenhouse, humidity controller, etc. But in reverse, we have some which can be grown and propagated with very little care and cost. There are perennials and other plants which can be an accent in our garden but will be an eye sore in colder regions. And that is when I started thinking seriously to make a website which will be useful to the people resided here. The site, I have launched is still in its infancy, but managed to get good visits. Hope, in future, it will be one major information provider on Indian gardening.
Number of examples
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